Cursed is the toungue that does not chant the name of God | Dhadrian Wale

ry ijhbw krau sq KMf

Shabad Video by Bhai Ranjit Singh Ji Khalsa DhadrianWale.

Cursed is the toungue that does not chant the name of God. Gurbani Shabad Kirtan by Bhai Ranjit Singh Ji Dhadrianwale

ry ijhbw krau sq KMf
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Gurbani Shabad

  • BYrau bwxI nwmdyau jIau kI Gru 1
  • <> siqgur pRswid ]
  • ry ijhbw krau sq KMf ]
  • jwim n aucris sRI goibMd ]1]
  • rMgI ly ijhbw hir kY nwie ]
  • surMg rMgIly hir hir iDAwie ]1] rhwau ]
  • imiQAw ijhbw AvryN kwm ]
  • inrbwx pdu ieku hir ko nwmu ]2]
  • AsMK koit An pUjw krI ]
  • eyk n pUjis nwmY hrI ]3]
  • pRxvY nwmdyau iehu krxw ]
  • AnMq rUp qyry nwrwiexw ]4]1]

Gurbani Shabad Translation

  • Bhairao, The Word Of Naam Dayv Jee, First House:
  • One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:
  • O my tongue, I will cut you into a hundred pieces,
  • if you do not chant the Name of the Lord. ||1||
  • O my tongue, be imbued with the Lord's Name.
  • Meditate on the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, and imbue yourself with this most excellent color. ||1||Pause||
  • O my tongue, other occupations are false.
  • The state of Nirvaanaa comes only through the Lord's Name. ||2||
  • The performance of countless millions of other devotions
  • is not equal to even one devotion to the Name of the Lord. ||3||
  • Prays Naam Dayv, this is my occupation.
  • O Lord, Your Forms are endless. ||4||1||

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"May God bless in your life"
MY GOOD WISHES AND BIG SALUTE TO BHAI SANT RANJIT SINGH DHANDRIANWALE , you are the best PREACHER FOR HOLINESS for around the world and famous in every community , I love to watch your all informative videos and like those the best for my knowledge. You are blessing for humanity , May God bless in your life with full of joy and happiness to keep continue serving for humanity in future as well. take care.
_ Sadim Khan, Varginia - USA

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