Sab Khalak Siyani Mai Baoura | Bhai Ranjit Singh Dhadrianwale

sB Klk sYAwnI mY baurw

Shabad Video by Bhai Ranjit Singh Ji Khalsa DhadrianWale.

Sab Khalak Siyani Mai Baoura

sB Klk sYAwnI mY baurw
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Gurbani Shabad

  • iblwvlu ]
  • ibidAw n prau bwdu nhI jwnau ]
  • hir gun kQq sunq baurwno ]1]
  • myry bwbw mY baurw sB Klk sYAwnI mY baurw ]
  • mY ibgirE ibgrY miq Aaurw ]1] rhwau ]
  • Awip n baurw rwm kIE baurw ]
  • siqguru jwir gieE BRmu morw ]2]
  • mY ibgry ApnI miq KoeI ]
  • myry Brim BUlau miq koeI ]3]
  • so baurw jo Awpu n pCwnY ]
  • Awpu pCwnY q eykY jwnY ]4]
  • Abih n mwqw su kbhu n mwqw ]
  • kih kbIr rwmY rMig rwqw ]5]2]

Gurbani Shabad Translation

  • Bilaaval:
  • I do not read books of knowledge, and I do not understand the debates.
  • I have gone insane, chanting and hearing the Glorious Praises of the Lord. ||1||
  • O my father, I have gone insane; the whole world is sane, and I am insane.
  • I am spoiled; let no one else be spoiled like me. ||1||Pause||
  • I have not made myself go insane - the Lord made me go insane.
  • The True Guru has burnt away my doubt. ||2||
  • I am spoiled; I have lost my intellect.
  • Let no one go astray in doubt like me. ||3||
  • He alone is insane, who does not understand himself.
  • When he understands himself, then he knows the One Lord. ||4||
  • One who is not intoxicated with the Lord now, shall never be intoxicated.
  • Says Kabeer, I am imbued with the Lord's Love. ||5||2||
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Sangats' Feedback

"You are carrying the light and message of our visionary Baba Nanak"
Guys - yes will call you guys - if Baba Nanak was around today he will call you Guys as he sees no difference in people who are one and equal to the creator. Guys, you are carrying the light and message of our visionary Baba Nanak which is forgotten and distorted by many generations. Thank you for doing what you are going and keep faith. There are many who may not be identified as Sikh but we share the same values of Baba Nanak and his message. Guys you all are doing a good work by keeping the message alive...bless you all....
_ Richard Lal, UK

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