Gurdwara Parmeshar Dwar Sahib - Patiala

Gurdwara parmeshar dwar sahib patiala

Gurdwara Parmeshar Dwar Sahib, a beautiful Sikh Temple, situated on the Patiala-Sangrur highway approximately 10 kilometers from Patiala bus stand, stands as a testament to the beauty of Sikh architecture and the spirit of community service. The serene white marble structure of the Gurdwara, complemented by its splendid interiors, invites devotees from far and wide to immerse themselves in its peaceful ambiance.

The Gurdwara complex offers a range of facilities aimed at serving the needs of the Sikh sangat and devotees. The spacious langar hall, where quality food is served to hundreds of thousands, exemplifies the principle of seva (selfless service). Additionally, the presence of the Baba Karam Singh Ji Free Charitable Hospital underscores the commitment of the Gurdwara to providing basic medical facilities to neighboring villagers free of cost.

Inaugurated in 2010, the new Darbar Sahib building stands as a symbol of the continuous growth and expansion of the Gurdwara. Accompanying this is the Kalgidhar Sangat Niwas, providing accommodation for pilgrims and visitors. A monumental diwan hall, with a seating capacity of over 50,000, serves as the venue for monthly Kirtan Diwans, drawing large congregations of devotees seeking spiritual enlightenment.

Among the notable events hosted at Gurdwara Parmeshar Dwar Sahib is the monthly Guru Manyo Granth Chetna Samagam, held on the first Saturday of every month. This gathering of Sikh devotees, or Sangat, witnesses a convergence of minds and souls in the divine presence. It is during these congregations that the Amrit Sanchar ceremony takes place, with approximately 500 individuals embracing the path of Amritdhari Khalsa each month, inspired by the profound teachings of Bhai Ranjit Singh Ji Khalsa Dhadrianwale.

Bhai Ranjit Singh Ji Khalsa Dhadrian Wale

Bhai Ranjit Singh Ji Khalsa Dhadrian wale Formerly known as Sant Baba Ranjit Singh Khalsa Dhadrianwale, Bhai Ranjit Singh Ji Khalsa was born on July 1983 in a village name Dhadrian in Sangrur District of Punjab - India. Thus being known as Dhadrian wale. He, as a child, was different from other children of his age. He had keen interest in reciting Gurbani Path and attending Sangat.

  1. When other children use to spend their vacation with their grandparents, young Ranjit Singh chose to do sewa-simran and developed deep gurmat wisdom in guidance of Sant Baba Karam Singh Ji, Sidhsar Bhiki Rara Sahib Wale.
  2. At very young age of 16, he started doing katha-kirtan and preaching of Gurmat Principals. His aim was to spread Guru Nanaks message of universal brotherhood and encourage people to live peaceful yet purposeful life.
  3. He observed that all this was possible only by adopting Sikh-Rehat Maryada, the sikh doctrine. All his preachings were aimed to encourage sikh sangat to take Amrit and spend their lives as per Gurus' word. He attended multiple diwans (congregations) every day for many years to come. He organized Amrit-Sanchar ceremonies wherever He went for preaching. People used to gather in huge number in these Diwans where they realize that there is no salvation without a true guru ( ਬਿਨ ਗੁਰ ਪੂਰੇ ਨਾਹੀ ਉਧਰ ").
  4. As on 2014, Panj-Piare (Five Beloved Sikhs) from his jatha had initiated Amrit to more than half a million sikhs (500,000) to become Amritdhari Khalsa. On one occasion in Ganganagar - Rajasthan, more that Ten Thousand (10000) people took amrit. Bhai Ranjit Singh Ji Khalsa Dhadrian wale often requests the Sangat to not to call him “Sant” or “Baba”. He want to be known as ‘brother’ instead. “We are all children of Guru gobind Singh Ji and Mata Sahib Kaur Ji” ( "ਏਕੁ  ਪਿਤਾ ਏਕਸ ਕੇ ਹਮ ਬਾਰਿਕ ਤੂ ਮੇਰਾ ਗੁਰ ਹਾਈ " ) he says.
  5. Bhai Ranjit Singh Ji possesses strong desire to serve community in every possible way mentioned in Gurbani ( "ਵਿਚਿ ਦੁਨੀਆ ਸੇਵ ਕਮਾਈਐ ॥ ਤਾ ਦਰਗਹ ਬੈਸਣੁ ਪਾਈਐ ॥" ). He organize several Community marriages for under-privileged families. In such ceremonies, all house-hold items were gifted to each newly married couples by Bhai Ranjit Singh Ji's Organization “Nirvair Khalsa Dal” and “Parmeshar Dwar Gurmat Parchar Mission”
  6. Be it the flood in Jammu & Kashmir or any other relief work, Bhai Ranjit Singh Ji and his organization was always there to help. In September 2014, the Jammu & Kashmir region was ravaged with the worst floods in nearly six decades, leaving hundreds of precious human lives dead, thousands injured and displaced, and millions more affected.
  7. In order to contribute in its own way to the global relief effort, The Parmeshar Dwar Trust, with the backing of the Sikh Sangat, arranged teams to be sent in aid to the affected region. Initially ten trucks were dispatched from Gurdwara Parmeshar Dwar Sahib with thousands of blankets, bedding, clothes, medicines, water and food packages for the affected victims.
  8. Bhai Ranjit Singh Khalsa said, “Where Gurmat Parchar is done, at the same time we must make efforts in our own small ways to live practically by what we preach."
  9. Bhai Ranjit Singh is always the first to respond to anything done wrong in the community. He is the only Sikh-Preacher who is strongly against punjabi singers that to damage Punjab’s social fabric and values and distract the youth from real Grumat-values. He was first to raise voice agains Guru Grath Sahibs beadbi (sacrilege).
  10. During the protests against the Bargari Kalan sacrilege of the Guru Granth Sahib in October 2015, he sought the arrests of the perpetrators. Police attacked this peaceful protest with a Lathi-Charge where many member of his Jatha got injured. He also led a protest march of Sikh preachers to Chandigarh against the police firing at Behbal Kalan during a sit-in against the desecration incidents.

bhai ranjit singh ji khalsa dhadrian wale

Bhai Ranjit Singh's current preachings are more with emphases on enlightening inner wisdom as explained in Gurbani so that the common person in society can get rid of meaningless rituals, misconduct and drugs. He also spoke about orthodox practices being done by fake godmen in punjab. Sikh youth & sangat of all agres were equally impressed by Bhai Sahib's charismatic speaches. As a result they started to realize the true message of Gurbani is not about Karam-Kand or following any physical (deh-dhari) Guru. He urges the youth to follow the teachings of Guru Granth Sahib what is beyond and above everything else.

On ther other hand the people, who are using religion as a business, have already became uncomfortable with Bhai Ranjit Singh's fearless statements. As a result a well planned attacked was made on May 17, 2016 on his car in Ludhiana to assassinate him. In this attack Bhai Ranjit Singh's preacher-friend, Bhupinder Singh Dhakkiwale, was shot dead. Dhadrian Wale, from that moment, has been demanding for justice for Bhai Bhupinder Singh's family.

His parchar (preaching) has taken an all new pace since then. He says “Guru Sahib saved me in this brutal attack for a purpose, it is my duty to devote my life to spread Gurus' true Message to the world with full dedication."

Early Life of Bhai Ranjit Singh Dhadrianwale

Born in July 1983 in the village of Dhadrian in Sangrur District, Punjab, Bhai Ranjit Singh Ji Khalsa Dhadrianwale has emerged as a revered figure in the realm of Sikh preaching and spirituality. From a young age, his affinity for reciting Gurbani Path and participating in Sangat set him apart.

Under the guidance of Sant Baba Karam Singh Ji of Sidhsar Bhiki Rara Sahib, Bhai Ranjit Singh Ji embarked on a journey of spreading the message of Guru Nanak, advocating for universal brotherhood and a purposeful life rooted in Sikh principles. His emphasis on Sikh Rehat Maryada and the significance of living in accordance with the Guru's teachings has resonated deeply with the Sikh community.

Bhai Ranjit Singh Ji's efforts in preaching Gurmat principles have resulted in the initiation of over half a million individuals into the Khalsa fold by Panj-Piare from his jatha. He remains steadfast in his humility, eschewing titles of "Sant" or "Baba," and instead preferring to be addressed simply as 'brother.'

Beyond spiritual discourse, Bhai Ranjit Singh Ji exemplifies seva in action, organizing community marriages for underprivileged families and actively participating in relief efforts during times of crisis. His organization, Nirvair Khalsa Dal and Parmeshar Dwar Gurmat Parchar Mission, has been at the forefront of providing aid to regions affected by natural disasters, such as the floods in Jammu & Kashmir in 2014.

Core Principles of Sikhism

Sikhism, founded by Guru Nanak Dev Ji in the 15th century, embodies a profound philosophy centered around love, equality, and service. Rooted in the teachings of the Sikh Gurus and enshrined in the Guru Granth Sahib, the holy scripture, Sikh principles serve as guiding lights for millions around the world.

Equality and Oneness (Ik Onkar): At the heart of Sikhism lies the concept of "Ik Onkar," emphasizing the belief in the oneness of the divine. Sikhs recognize the inherent equality of all human beings, irrespective of caste, creed, or gender. This principle is reflected in the practice of Langar, the community kitchen where everyone, regardless of social status, sits together to share a meal. Read more one oneness in sikhism in this article: Embracing the Sikh Principle of Equality and Oneness (Ik Onkar) | DhadrianWale Articles (

Seva (Selfless Service): Seva, or selfless service, is a cornerstone of Sikh philosophy. Sikhs are encouraged to serve humanity with humility and compassion, embodying the spirit of selflessness taught by the Gurus. This principle is exemplified by the tireless efforts of individuals like Bhai Ranjit Singh Ji Khalsa Dhadrianwale, who dedicate their lives to uplifting others through acts of service and kindness.

Naam Japna (Meditating on the Divine Name): Sikhism emphasizes the importance of connecting with the divine through the practice of Naam Japna, or meditation on the divine name. By reciting the name of Waheguru, Sikhs seek to cultivate inner peace, spiritual clarity, and a deeper connection with the divine presence within themselves and in all creation.

Kirat Karni (Honest Living): Kirat Karni, or earning an honest livelihood, is another fundamental principle of Sikhism. Sikhs are encouraged to engage in honest labor and to conduct themselves with integrity in all aspects of life. By upholding principles of honesty, fairness, and hard work, Sikhs strive to contribute positively to society while earning their livelihood through righteous means.

Vand Chakna (Sharing with Others): The principle of Vand Chakna, or sharing with others, underscores the importance of generosity and sharing within the Sikh community. Sikhs are encouraged to share their resources, time, and wealth with those in need, fostering a sense of collective responsibility and solidarity. Through acts of charity and philanthropy, Sikhs aim to alleviate the suffering of the less fortunate and promote social justice.

In essence, Sikhism embodies a rich tapestry of spiritual principles aimed at guiding individuals towards a life of righteousness, compassion, and service. By embracing the core tenets of equality, selflessness, meditation, honesty, and sharing, Sikhs endeavor to lead lives infused with purpose, meaning, and divine grace. As followers of Guru Nanak's timeless wisdom, Sikhs continue to uphold these principles, inspiring generations to walk the path of righteousness and spiritual enlightenment, guided by the teachings of revered figures like Bhai Ranjit Singh Ji Khalsa Dhadrianwale.

Championing Justice and Social Reform

Bhai Ranjit Singh Ji's advocacy extends beyond spiritual matters to social justice and reform. He vehemently condemns actions detrimental to Sikh values, including the sacrilege of Guru Granth Sahib, and actively seeks justice for victims of injustice. In the face of adversity, such as the attack on his life in 2016 resulting in the tragic loss of his preacher-friend Bhupinder Singh Dhakkiwale, Bhai Ranjit Singh Ji remains undeterred in his pursuit of justice and spreading the true essence of Sikhism.

His current focus on enlightening inner wisdom as espoused in Gurbani reflects a profound commitment to guiding individuals away from meaningless rituals and towards a life of purpose and integrity. Bhai Ranjit Singh Ji's fearless stance against exploitation in the name of religion has earned him both admiration and opposition, yet he persists in his mission with unwavering dedication.

As Bhai Ranjit Singh Ji continues to inspire and uplift communities, his unwavering faith in the teachings of Guru Granth Sahib serves as a guiding light for generations to come. May his endeavors be blessed with eternal Chardi Kala, embodying the essence of Sikhism for the betterment of humanity.

May Guru Sahib keep Bhai Sahib in everlasting Chardi-Kala.

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Sangats' Feedback

"We are fortunate to experience his presence"
Bhai Ranjit Singh Ji Khalsa Dhadrianwale, a person who gives a simple understanding and view on real Sikhism. Very clear thoughts and makes so sense and that is why so many youth are always eager to listen to his diwans and appreciate his service. We are fortunate to experience his presence.
_ Daljit Singh, Fresno - USA

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